Specialist Rescue Assessment Criteria

Specialist Rescue

Our Specialist Assessment Criteria framework outlines how Outreach Rescue evaluates learners during training. By understanding the criteria, you can better prepare and track your progress. Assessments are holistic, ensuring fairness while maintaining high standards of competence.

This general assessment critera framework refers primarily to Specialist Rescue training provided by Outreach Rescue. This includes Water Rescue, Rope Rescue, Bariatric Rescue, Confined Space, and Work At Height training.

Understanding Skill Levels

  • Novice (1-2): Requires close supervision with minimal competence. Operating in the stress zone with limited environmental awareness.
  • Beginner (3-4): Basic understanding but prone to mistakes. Operates in the stretch zone under supervision.
  • Competent (5-6): Works independently under normal conditions but lacks refinement. Good environmental awareness.
  • Proficient (7-8): High performance with minor mistakes, self-corrected. Supervises effectively under normal conditions.
  • Expert (9-10): Rarely makes mistakes and adapts seamlessly. High-level supervision and excellent environmental awareness.


Key Assessment Areas

Assessments are based on holistic evaluation across all skillsets in the following areas:

1. Personal Practice Indicators

This area evaluates how effectively learners apply their knowledge and skills in practical scenarios.

2. Communicative Competence

Effective communication is crucial for teamwork, leadership, and instructional roles.

3. Comfort Zones and Focus

This area examines how learners operate under different levels of stress or unfamiliarity.

Note: Assessments apply a negative bias towards weaker skillsets. Minor shortcomings will be raised in feedback and action plans shared with your organisation.


Pass Marks

Course Level Minimum Score
General Competency 5
Instructors & Supervisors 7


What Are Normal Parameters?

Normal parameters are defined by the following conditions:

  • Familiar venues
  • Venue features and design
  • Favourable environmental conditions (e.g., dry, warm, and light)
  • Familiar workgroups and equipment
  • Good physical and mental wellbeing


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if I score below the required minimum?
    You will not be deemed competent and will not pass. Feedback will be provided to help you improve.
  • What should I do if I feel my assessment wasn’t fair?
    You should raise these concerns with senior leadership promptly during or after training.
  • Can I improve my score during the course?
    Yes, ongoing performance and adjustments are taken into account throughout the course.


Feedback and Action Plans

Feedback and action plans are integral to your progress. Outreach Rescue will share all feedback with your organisation to ensure clear improvement pathways.


Concerns About Your Assessment?

If you have concerns about assessment parity, please contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue. In order to deal with the matter quickly, ideally this would be in person during your training. Alternatively, you can also reach out to the team via:


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